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Open Educational Resources Workshop In-Person
- Understand what OERs are and where to find them
- Learn how low-to-no-cost materials can benefit you and your students
- Become familiar with the OER opportunities available to you through GCSU
Open Educational Resources (low-to-no-cost educational materials) can be a huge benefit to your courses and your students. In this workshop we will learn what OERs are and where to find them, as well as who on campus is already using them. We will also learn about opportunities to integrate OERs into your classroom through external grants.
Event Organizer

Hi, I'm Jenny Townes, the Scholarly Communication librarian. I serve as the liaison to the Biological and Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, and the Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy Departments. I am available to students to help find and evaluate sources for research papers, answer questions, or help with citations. For faculty, I am available for scholarly communication workshops or instruction sessions.